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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 58 in total

M&E Shut Me in by Thy Grace

Be hidden in Christ. Find yourself in the cleft of the Rock. Be shut in with Christ.Conference sign up HERE!Get some sweet MERCHFacebook: Public / PrivateYoutube: @Eng...

M&E He Has No Business with Sin

A perfect love must have a perfect hatred for anything that would harm or destroy it. God perfectly hates sin and so we ought to as well.Conference sign up HERE! Get s...

M&E Led by the Right Way

"so He bringeth them to their desired haven." We might not have a clear view of the road ahead of us. Thankfully for us, it is the Lord who brings us home and he knows...

M&E Make Perfect

What will it be like to be made perfect? To be brought before our God without any flaw. Perfectly clothed in the righteousness of our Savior. This is a wonderful thoug...

M&E Seek to Know Much of the Son of God

How much do you know God? Hopefully, your answer was little, which is the beauty of sanctification. We know little of all he is, yet, he has revealed all that we need ...

M&E He Is To Me My Rose and My Lily

Jesus is a precious goodness for us. He is sweeter than honey and more aromatic than roses. Spurgeon has plenty of works in the Song of Solomon, and here we hear him t...

The Downgrade Controversy: Before the Storm Began

In this introductory episode of the new season of Engaging Spurgeon, we begin our deep dive into the Downgrade Controversy of the late 19th century. We hope you'll dec...

M&E We Make a Sure Covenant

Ongoing covenantal renewal is part of our sanctification. The ordinances, confession, and thankfulness, are all part of growing and maturing in Christ. Conference sign...

M&E A Better Word Than That of Able

You are saved in Christ! What does that mean? What truth do you cling to in that statement? If you are saved, does that mean you have a little hope? No. It means you h...

M&E Calvary Yields Us Comfort

The cross is a strange symbol of hope. Sometimes compared to the electric chair, the cross was a symbol of torture and capital punishment. Now, with our Savior once na...

M&E We Like Sheep

What hope is there for the wayward sheep? We are all the wayward sheep. We have all gone astray. BUT! Praise be to the Lord, the God of our salvation. Our iniquity was...

M&E Great Thoughts of Christ

When the Canaanite woman comes to Jesus, on behalf of her daughter, she is given what seems to be a harsh word, she understood the depths of the Messiah's kindness and...

M&E Hubands, Love Your Wives

"As Christ loved the church" is a phrase that has changed the way I see my wife. We, as husbands, are called to a task that is more than can be shouldered by unbelievi...

M&E Only Return

The dove returned to the ark and Noah reached out to the dove and brought her in. Our Savior reaches out to catch us as we are wearied from our wandering. Too often we...

M&E Christian Pride Brings Destruction

Pride is for those who deny the Lord! Surely that is not us. Oh Christian, we can be the most prideful. Let the Holy Spirit root out all pride in your life. Do not thi...

M&E Expectations Beyond This Life

We should seek in joyful expectation, the future glory that is ours in Christ. While we have turmoils here, we have a loving Father and Savior and Comforter who is the...

M&E The Hammer and Knee

What is the best tool to tackle the Scriptures? Bent knees and prayer to our God. How often do we go to the Spirit? Our work to get to the truth of the Word is done by...

M&E She Was Healed Immediately

"Misery should always place itself right in the face of mercy." This truth is only found in Christ. Yes, people can be nice in this world but it cannot be relied on. C...

M&E The Stepping-Stone into the World of Bliss

The thought of death can be seen as very negative. In Christ, we have a very different view of death. What could separate us from Christ? Death will only bring us clos...

M&E The Things of Earth Will Grow Strangely Dim

The grace which we have received is enough to save us. No other work is needed. It is also enough for us to continue in our salvation! How strange it is to be so focus...

M&E Return, O Backsliding Children!

What have you done that the Lord cannot forgive? Surely there is something so egregious that our Lord will not forgive. Yet, he will forgive all that we ask of him. Ou...

M&E The Armour-bearer of Sin is Self-confidence.

"Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall." 1 Corinthians 10:12. Are we more wise than Paul? Are we more astute than the apostle John, who...

M&E Consecrated to the Cause of Christ

Our Savior, the lamb who was slain, was not stolen from us. Nor was he taken before his time. But our Savior gave himself up freely. Not being overcome by the pressure...

M&E Addict Yourself to Prayer

Spurgeon was a man of prayer. Not that he wasn't a man of other holy disciplines. I would dare say that he, especially, loved to pray. Where does life through you? Int...

M&E Will You Speak on Behalf of God?

Our culture is dark. Most people will agree. Especially the Christian. Do we complain about our culture? Shouting to our friends but being mute to the world that needs...

M&E Mercy Outruns Malice 01/11/24

What is it to have someone pray for you? It is a great encouragement. What about going through a difficult time? Even sweeter. What about the devil himself looking to ...

Special: Morning and Evening Edition 01/10/24

Here is the morning reading of Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional. A 365-day devotional that has something for both morning and evening. Enjoy this reading as w...

BONUS: A Charles Spurgeon Christmas

BAH-HUMBUG! And Merry Christmas you filthy animals. We hope you enjoy this bonus episode. There is a lot of information about the new direction for ENGAGING Spurgeon! ...

Special Guest Alex DiPrima: Spurgeon and the Poor

We have a great ending to season 2 of the podcast. The one. The only. Alex DiPrima. Pastor and author in Salem, NC, he recently published a book Spurgeon and the Poor:...

James Renihan - Equipping Soldiers for Battle

We have another release from the Spurgeon Conference in May. This is James Renihan's second talk as he discusses Spurgeon's College. What was his focus? What was his d...

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