All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 58 of 58 in total

Conference Q&A

We have another release from our 2023 Spurgeon Conference. This one is the Q&A we had at the end of the conference. Even with it being the end of the day, 6 speakers, ...

Making Light of Christ: The Lost Sermons Series #21

Most of us would probably claim to not take the Lord's name in vain. How often, however, do we take light of Christ? The gospel is potent and gripping on the soul of t...

Christ About His Father's Business: The Lost Sermons Series #15

We are busy. We have responsibilities. We have people we do errands, tasks, and projects for. When it is done, it reflects on the person that sent us. This is just a s...

Preach to the World! Ed Romine and Spurgeon's Open Air Preaching

This amazing episode comes from our 1st annual Spurgeon Conference! This is session 3 with Ed Romine on Spurgeon's Open Air Preaching. Ed's doctoral thesis was on Spur...

Lost Sermons Series #7: The Regeneration Debate

Back at the Lost Sermons! It has been quite a few weeks but Joel and Josh are back to the amazing collection of early lost sermons of C.H. Spurgeon. Today's sermon is ...

Only a prayer meeting, Part 2: Spurgeon and Praying For Your Hearts Desires

Joel and Josh are back for part 2 of Spurgeon's book "Only A Prayer Meeting". This week the guys are talking about the intentionality of prayer and the boldness Christ...

Baritone Bell of England - Ed Romine

We have the amazing Dr. Ed Romine back on the show! He has released a new book "The Booming Baritone Bell of England: The Pedagogy and Practice of Charles Haddon Spurg...

Only A Prayer Meeting Pt. 1

The power of prayer! This is a phrase that can have a lot of baggage with it. What is prayer? What is the role of prayer in the church? How do Churches conduct proper ...

Conference Session! Dr Chang: Spurgeon and His Elders

This week's episode is from Dr. Geoff Chang at the Spurgeon Conference we hosted in May. This amazing lecture is the second of the day and Geoff's first. What would th...

The Lost Sermons Series: Future Judgement

Our day is filled with lying, manipulation, corruption, murder, trafficking, and more! That isn't even considering our own sin and maliciousness that we conjure in our...

The Lost Sermon Series: Christ Condescended to Us

"Don't be so condescending!" I'm sure we all have said this or have heard this at one point. Nobody wants to feel talked down to or made to feel small. Charles Spurgeo...

The Lost Sermons Series: Contrast of Light and Dark

We are back in the Lost Sermons. After a great conference, Joel's traveling, and some busyness we are excited to dig back into these lost treasures. Sermon #4 "Contras...

The Downgrade Controversy and the SBC

The SBC has recently had its yearly convention and with it, some controversy of its own. Disfellowships, appeals, and news stories. There has been a lot of attention o...

Lost Sermons Series: Abraham Justified by Faith

Christians can be confused that the old testament people were saved by works and the new testament people are saved by grace. In episode 3 of the Lost Sermons series, ...

SPECIAL! Live Conference Recording

The Spurgeon Conference is over! What an amazing blessing it was to have such esteemed men to provide thoughtful lectures. We recorded a live episode on the first nigh...

The Lost Sermons Series: You Shall Not Enter!

There is a mystery in Christianity. How can sinful people stand before a holy God? World history has wrestled with this question in all of their religions. Works seem ...

The Lost Sermons Series: Adoption and the Gospel

Welcome to the new series as Joel and Josh go through the Lost Sermons of C.H. Spurgeon. This week's episode goes through the first sermon in the book, Adoption. If yo...

Spurgeon Was Pro Life: Interview with Ed Romine

THE Ed Romine is on the podcast today! We are incredibly blessed to have Dr. Ed Romine comes on to the podcast ahead of his appearance at the Spurgeon Conference. We d...

Spurgeon Version of the Spurgeon Conversion

Conversion can be a tricky and controversial topic. With questions of who, how, why, and when, this topic has sparked debate amongst Christians for millennia. Today th...

Fencing the Table

What is fencing the table? Why would you want to keep people away from a beautiful thing? Today Joel and Josh will dive into the practices of the Metropolitan Tabernac...

Special Guest Tim Challies!

"I wish I was a better reader" "How do I gain a desire to read more?" We are blessed to have author, blogger, book reviewer, and pastor Tim Challies as a guest on this...

We Were on a Break!

On the heels of Resurrection Sunday Joel and Josh have gotten busy! Literally! They were not able to get a full episode in as Joel prepared for two services and Josh i...

Spurgeon and Susanna: Pt. 2 Susanna Loved Her Hubby

Today’s episode begins the second part of a short two-part series on marriage. Like any marriage, Charles and his wife, Susanna, faced many trials together. But what w...

Spurgeon and Susannah: Pt. 1 Spurgeon Loves His Wifey

Today’s episode begins the first of a short two-part series on marriage. Like any marriage, Charles and his wife, Susanna, faced many trials together. But what we find...

Cigars, Conscience, and the Glory of God

Conscience is fine and all, but a baptist preacher wouldn't smoke! Right? Joel and Josh discuss a wonderful lesson Charles Spurgeon taught his students one day at the ...

Charles and Charles

Charles and Charles step into the ring. That’s right…the battle for truth and science was underfoot! Today on Spurgeon Maniacs Joel and Josh dive into Charles Spurgeon...

Tricked to Preach

Have you been tricked to preach? If you were, was it your first sermon? In our first episode of Spurgeon Maniacs we figured it would be best to start with Spurgeon's f...

Official Trailer!

Here is just a taste of what you get to look forward to from the Spurgeon Maniacs Podcast!

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